Know the best anti-aging vegetables you should eat, to at least slow down the process of aging.
Dermatologists said that aging starts in our early 20's. When I was at that age, I hardly ate vegetables. Maybe because vegetables are not that savory compared to meat and fish. But when I had unexpected diseases, I was forced to eat vegetables. I realized that they are not that bad at all. And knowing their health and beauty benefits, it gives me more reason to enjoy eating vegetables.
We can get beauty benefits like anti-aging from most of the vegetables. But these are the
best vegetables you can eat, to at least slow down skin aging:SPINACH
Spinach is rich in flavonoids, which act as antioxidants, protecting the body from free radicals, thereby slowing down skin aging. The antioxidants work to keep cholesterol from oxidizing, thus help reduce free radical amounts in the body. This leafy vegetable is also rich in vitamin C that promotes the youthful condition of the skin, evolving the skin to be smooth, soft, and wrinkle-free.
Eating it raw is more beneficial as the nutrients are intact. Just wash it thoroughly before eating. You can make salads out of it. If you want to cook it, try to cook it lightly to preserve most of its nutritional benefits.
Carrots are filled with beta-carotene, an excellent antioxidant which helps in slowing the aging process. They are also rich in vitamin C that can nourish and prevent dry skin, psoriasis, and other skin blemishes.
Carrots are good in exfoliating the skin naturally. Grate carrots
and mix it with sugar granules, then apply the mixture to your face and neck in a circular motion. This is an effective way of getting rid of the dirt and dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking young and healthy.Juicing carrots is also beneficial to our health. Drinking carrot juice regularly helps in treating uneven skin tone. Carrot juice also helps in eliminating and preventing acne.
Broccoli is known for its potent nutrients in fighting and preventing cancer. It is rich in vitamin C, sulphur, and amino acids making this vegetable strong for detoxification. It eliminates harmful free radicals and toxins in the body, and purifies the bloodstream, thereby prevents skin diseases, rashes, and other conditions related to accumulation of toxins. This vegetable also has beta-carotene and vitamin E that revives skin tissues keeping your skin glowing and looking young.
Just like spinach, broccoli can also be eaten raw. Wash it with water coming from the faucet to retain its nutrients. This is also best when steamed or boiled, just put some sauce like oyster sauce to make it more tempting to eat.
So if you want to fight aging the natural way, include these vegetables in your meals. Look young and healthy!