What Makes You Happy?

Are you happy? Happiness is a matter of choice...

HAPPINESS is a matter of choice.If you choose to be happy then you can be happy.I know in these days of financial woes, to some, it's hard to be happy.I know each one of us has problems in life, well, who doesn't? Problems are already part of our lives, it makes us normal.In this case, it seems too hard to find happiness anymore.But there are actually simple things that can make you happy.

Here are some simple strategies you should consider:

COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS - You should be grateful for what you have.Appreciate every moment and think positively on the things that you do not have.Try to see all the blessings around you.Watch the sunrise, feel the cold breeze, listen to the sounds of the birds, smell the bloomed flowers, and see people smiling.Be happy for the simple thought that today, you were given another day of your life to pursue things you've been wanting to do.

ENJOY RELATIONSHIPS - Invest your time in building relationships with your family and friends.There is something heavenly in true and caring families and friends.They are as good as a treasure.

PAMPER YOURSELF - After a long work day, treat yourself to a warm refreshing bath.Enjoy your favorite tv shows.Take time to tinker around your hobbies.And when you feel like a kid, bring out the child in you.

DO SOMETHING ENJOYABLE - If you are married, play with your kids.There can never be more enjoyable time than to spend it with your own kids.If you are single, have fun with your friends.Take time to relax and play.There's nothing wrong with having fun and liking your work.

FIND POSITIVE PEOPLE - Surround yourself with positive and happy people.Some believe the other person's good influence and good karma will also bring you luck.They tend to be more supportive of others too.

PUT GOD INTO YOUR LIVES - Having God in our lives will surely make us happy.No one has ever helped us in our problems but our Lord.We may sometimes do not understand why we are encountering such problems in life that make us unhappy but all of these have reasons, it's all for the best.Just always hold on to Him and all will become well and happiness will just be there.

To some, material things can make them happy.In my point of view, these material things wont last, they will just give you a quick fix.

Article Written by mtrguanlao

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