Accepting Criticisms

How do you accept criticisms?

CRITICISMS are already part of our lives.Starting from our early years till now,we receive criticisms.Whether we're students trying to reach academic excellence, employees working hard to achieve promotions, writers or artists who are simply out to express what we have in mind, or just simply normal persons searching for our own place under the sun, we've all been critically judged one way or the other.

For some who are sensitive or onion-skinned, criticisms can demotivate them.It ruins their goals and makes them feel helpless.Criticisms to them is like a disease that paralyzes their entire rational thinking.It is as if a poison that slows them down and makes them become quitters in the end.

For strong-willed persons, no amount of fault-finding from other people can ever put them down and stop them from doing what they want.

Criticism to them is like a challenge that pushes them more to go further from what they are doing.Instead of being hurt by people who belittle their ambitions, they just keep going and seek greatness.

So are you the onion-skinned type of person or the strong-willed? Whoever you are among the two, I believe we should handle criticisms positively.Here are some things you can do when you are confronted by not-so-favorable statements from others:


There's a big difference between someone who is trying to correct you because that person cares for you and someone who is out only for his or her own interest.Be clever to determine their motivations for criticizing you.There are some who is doing it purposely to dump you down so they can move forward.


Admit that mistakes do happen anytime, anywhere.Nobody is perfect! Just believe in yourself, criticism has no real power to harm you if you believe in yourself first and foremost.If there's something about criticism that can help you improve, learn to embrace it because it will somehow make you better.


We do know that each one of us has its own outlook for things.Accept the basic truth in life that not everyone is going to share your point of view on things.Welcome your critics with open arms and went on to earn achievements in the process.

CRITICISM can somehow help and improve you depending on how you handle it.Instead of letting it pull you down, find something good about it.

To my Expertscolumn friends, I will greatly appreciate it if you will put some criticisms about me on your comments.Be it bad or good, I will accept it positively and take it as pointers for my improvement, thank you.

Article Written by mtrguanlao

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